Editors, Your Website Doesn’t Find You Clients

Sophie Playle

If you want to market your editing or proofreading business, you need a website. But simply having a website isn’t enough.

After all, people still need to find your website. Not linking your website to your wider marketing strategies would be like printing off a flyer and leaving it on your desk – no one is going to see it.

Having a website is not a marketing strategy in and of itself. Instead, your website is often the final destination of your marketing efforts.

So how do potential clients find your website?

Here are just a few possible ways:

  • Search engines
  • Directories
  • Online forums
  • Cold emailing
  • Word of mouth
  • Content marketing
  • Online adverts
  • Print adverts
  • Business cards
  • Social media

A website is one of the best ways potential clients can find out more about your business and get a feel for the way you conduct your services. Together, this is what helps a potential client decide whether they want to hire you.

Most people look online when they want to make a purchase or find a service provider. Your website is the online home of your business – a corner of the web over which you have complete control. A strong website goes hand-in-hand with a strong business.

But no matter how much effort you put into your marketing channels, if your website visitors don’t convert to clients, your efforts will be wasted.

If you’re struggling to attract enquiries, you need to assess two things:

  1. How are you driving potential clients to your website?
  2. Is your website good enough to convert these visitors into clients?

If you’d like help with this second part, I’ve created a self-paced online course that will walk you through how to do this. Learn how to brand your business effectively, how to design your website and how to write informatively and persuasively. And when you’re ready, you can send me the link to your website and I’ll give you some personalised feedback.

Find out more about The Visible Editor.

Sophie Playleis a professional fiction editor. She specialises in developmental editing, critiquing and copy-editing, and loves working with authors and publishers who are passionate about high-quality storytelling. Speculative fiction, fantasy, science fiction and literary fiction are her genres of choice. She's an Advanced Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading and has a Creative Writing MA from Royal Holloway, University of London. Find out more: liminalpages.com

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